5 ways to reduce tooth sensitivity to good oral health

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If You Love Someone, Take Care of Them Series : 5 ways to reduce tooth sensitivity to good oral health

Oral, the first barrier of the body that will be able to get food into it. Taking good care of it is important. Because if oral health is not taken care of properly Our body may become weak as well. And with the lack of supervision, problems will follow as well. The problems in the mouth that often begin with tooth sensitivity. The first signs that often happen To say that our mouth is not taken care of as expected. To reduce and prevent those symptoms Let’s see how we can do it.

Let’s start with “eating”. As I said, the oral cavity is the body’s first line of getting food. Choosing foods that are not too spicy, such as those that are too sour, may help bite the enamel. Can make sensitive teeth more severe Or foods that are too hard or too sticky can damage our less healthy teeth and gums.

“Choosing a toothbrush” for those with sensitive teeth. Choosing a toothbrush is also an important part. You will have to choose a toothbrush with soft bristles. Because if using a brush with thick and hard bristles already May cause receding gums Can increase tooth sensitivity further

“Brush your teeth properly” when choosing the right toothbrush Brushing your teeth properly is another thing that needs to be done right. By brushing from the root of the tooth up to the tip of each tooth approximately 4-5 times with the last tooth that is difficult to reach as well. So that food particles do not remain on the teeth

Choose “toothpaste” that is suitable for sensitive teeth. The toothpaste that is suitable for people with these symptoms is. Toothpaste that contains Protastium nitrate This prevents the nerves from being stimulated. Can reduce tooth sensitivity But it may take a long time for it to work fully.

“Consult with a dentist” This is the most important choice. For the maintenance of sensitive teeth And various oral problems because tooth sensitivity is the first sign that our teeth have a problem. Seeing a professional dentist early will make us recognize the problem quickly and be able to fix it promptly. Because do not forget that we only have one set of teeth. We just need to take care of the best.

Anyone who wants to start taking care of the oral cavity And reduce tooth sensitivity by yourself You can purchase oral care products at www.BigC.co.th .

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