Ancient sandwiches, childhood snacks

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Sweet Girl : Ancient sandwiches, childhood snacks

You still remember each other, right? We believe that many childhood people will not forget the bologna sandwiches, pork floss and yellow sauce. The regular food that we usually pick up and eat for breakfast. Or a snack during the day But there was one moment that there was a flow that the gut that was inserted into it deceived the eye. So today let’s find out how to do it yourself better. Which you this ancient sandwich The main secret is the dressing. Or the yellow sauce applied on the bread itself In which today we are going to introduce a recipe that is easy to make and eat quickly with the salty butter recipe itself.


1. Mayonnaise

2.Salted butter

3. Sweetened condensed milk

4. Sugar

5. Water


For how to do it, it is not difficult at all. Just put the pot on low heat, add water, granulated sugar, mayonnaise and butter, stir to melt the butter. And all ingredients are homogeneous Until when it boils, add sweetened condensed milk to it. Season to taste After that turn off the stove Let the sauce cool.

While waiting for the sauce to cool Let’s prepare another ingredient of the sandwich, such as bread, bologna, and flossy pork. Apply the sauce that we have made and spread it over the bread. Place the bologna and pork floss as desired. Stacked with four slices of bread Then use a knife to cut it in half diagonally. Now we will have an ancient sandwich that is not cheating on the filling anyway.

This easy way to do it is to cook, eat, play, or make a job for sale as a hobby, increasing income is not damaged by all sweet ladies who want to try their craft. You can click on the website . Go to shop for ingredients and use them to create this popular menu.

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