Five Ways to Relieve Back Pain

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If You Love Someone, Take Care of Them: Four Ways to Relieve Back Pain

Raise your hand if your back is constantly in pain. Whether sitting or standing too long, the human back, it seems, is destined to hurt. Lucky for us, there are some ways that we can alleviate this pain. Here they are:

Apply an ice pack

Use the gel ice pack on your back. Lie flat on your stomach and place the ice pack on the affected area for 5-10 minutes. The cold reduces muscle strains.

Do the seated spinal stretch.

This stretch is suitable for, but not limited to, people who suffer from a lower back or waist pain. Start off by sitting cross-legged on the floor. Place your right foot on the outer side of your left thigh. Make sure your left thigh still touches the floor. Place your right hand behind you for support, and your left hand behind your neck. Twist your body to the right and hold for 3-5 seconds. Return to the original position and switch hands. Now place your left hand behind you for support and your right hand behind your neck. Twist to the left this time and hold for a few seconds. Switch your legs and repeat the whole exercise. This stretches your lower back muscles as well as stimulating blood circulation in your back and waist.

Do the knee-to-chest stretch.

For this one, start off by lying flat on the floor, legs stretched out straight. Bend your right knee and draw it to your chest. With both hands, bring the knee down to your chest and hold for 10 seconds. Return to the original position and repeat on the other leg. This exercise is suitable for lower back and hip pain.


Sit back and relax. Being stress-free is a great way to lift the physical strain off you. Once your mind is relaxed, you let go of the tension in your body and hence, less pain in your back. Try relieving stress by doing some hobbies or simply meditating. Stay positive. If you believe in positive things, they do tend to come true.

Take some meds.

If bad comes to worse, it is alright to take some NSAID pills like ibuprofen or paracetamol. Be sure you know your prescriptions well, or consult a doctor or pharmacist before consumption.

Lastly, it is recommended that you move your body every once in a while. Keeping your body active and moving about constantly can prevent back pain from developing.

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