How to increase your baby’s height in a growing age

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If You Love Someone, Take Care of Them Series : How to increase your baby’s height in a growing age

In the growing age that can increase height, it starts from birth until the age of 25 years, if we are still at this age, it can increase the height from exercise. Choosing a diet that is useful for all 5 groups or may be added to the food group with added calcium, such as drinking milk on a daily basis.

But the rate of height increase will also depend on factors such as parent-to-child genetics, 60-80% of the effect because genetics is a fairly clear indicator of height. If the parents are 160 centimeters tall, the baby born can be 160 centimeters or more. But sometimes if parents are short Children may also be highly genetically inherited from the grandparents who are genetically hidden. But it all depends on the nutrients received and raised from small to big.

Physical factors that affect height That we will have to understand, there are 3 variables which are

  1. Growth hormone (Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is a growth hormone that affects height.
  2. Thyroid Gland, a variant that stimulates the development of height Lack of this hormone can lead to a short stature.
  3. Estrogen and Testosterone are female and male hormones that are involved in growth, especially during adolescence. Because it is a stimulant after the growth of hormones to increase Therefore, during adolescence, it is the period when we are best to increase our height.

Age factor is also an important factor in growing or increasing height. Because in each age group there will be no equal height increase.

Starting from the age of 2-11 years, there will be an average height of 5 cm per year per year.

The age range from 11-16 years has an average height of 8 cm per year, with boys starting in the age of 13.5 years until the age of 20 years will have an average height of 10-12 cm per year.

Age 17-18 years is the period when the growth is almost 95-98%.

The age range from 19-25 is the period when the body is fully grown and is within the height of adults. If you are still at this age, this is your last chance to naturally increase your height.

Exercise factor Because exercise will help build strong bones and help the body grow fully. Especially in growing children, there is a lot of strength. Parents should let their children Can go out and play to enhance childhood development as well Plus, going out for a run or exercising is also a tribute to weight loss for children who are overweight.

The nutritional factors that will be obtained are due to the good selection of food groups that stimulate height. Start with calcium, which is the main ingredient in increasing height. It is therefore very necessary to increase the height. Vitamin D helps to draw calcium into the bones. But have to drink milk with animal fat as well Because animal fat is a vitamin D solvent Makes it absorbed well In addition, vitamin D is obtained from sunlight. If so, take a walk in the sun, 20 minutes a day is enough. They also contain proteins and phosphates that should be supplemented.

But an important food source is still from milk. Because 250 milliliters of milk contains about 240 milligrams of calcium, if you want to increase your height, you should have enough calcium per day, drink at least 1,000 milligrams of milk per day. And more importantly, if you want your body to grow up, you should eat all 5 main food groups in order for your body to receive nutrients completely

For parents who are afraid of their children to slow height or stop premature aging, they can find dietary supplements that contain calcium or various proteins. To help supplement in addition to the five main food groups that are eaten regularly Add other nourishment to help promote the full growth of the child’s body

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