Invite to plant 5 popular ornamental plants that this period must-have for your home … Create a green area for your home and also help clean the air

Big C > Home Guru > Invite to plant 5 popular ornamental plants that this period must-have for your home … Create a green area for your home and also help clean the air

Mrs. Fastidious: Invited to plant 5 popular ornamental plants that this period must-have in your home

The latest activity of housewives in this era is to find ornamental plants to grow in the house. Fill a beautiful corner Create a green space for your home and help purify the air. And the trees selected today are all beautifully shaped and decorated in various corners of the house, medium size, not too big. When the area in the house is placed with plants, it helps to create an atmosphere that makes the house look shady and fresh. At this time we have to have trees to decorate it. Otherwise, it will go out of trend.

Snake plant

If you plan to plant trees indoors, we recommend the Lignmagkr plant first. Because it is a plant that is easy to grow Grow anywhere Easy to maintain The leaves are flat in shape, wide with a pointed tip. The leaves have a light-dark green pattern. The edges of the leaves are yellow or white. When raising to rest, if the flowers will be fragrant.

Flamingo Lily

It is a tree with a cute and pretty shape that is perfect for decorating your home. The leaves are heart-shaped, with red color, matching perfectly with green leaves. And bloom all year round If grown indoors, it should be placed in full sun and watered twice a day, morning and evening. If the weather is too hot or in the summer, watering around the afternoon should also be recommended. The fertilizer that the anthurium plant likes is organic fertilizer.

Peace Lily

An ornamental plant with distinctive yellowish-white flowers. The inflorescences cover the flowers are white like anthurium. Beautiful color contrast with green leaves It is popular to grow indoors because it is a tree that relieves high humidity. And absorbs toxins well

Dragon Tree

Ornamental plants with pointed leaves, bushy, unusual shape. But it is a tree that is characterized by the color of leaves that are green, yellow, red in the same leaf. But the edges are red, which gives the name. It is a very hardy plant. It grows well even in low light. Red edge needles are ornamental plants that have the ability to absorb toxins in the air. Especially toxins such as cyan and tricroethrene


Ficus is another popular tree to plant together, in addition to having a beautiful shape. There is still a belief that growing a ficus in the house will help make the house happy. The uniqueness of the decorative focus is in its shiny leaves. Most popular planted in a plant and tolerates cold well.

This is an ornamental plant that has been selected as good. Suitable for planting at various points In the house to decorate and also help purify the air well Nowadays, we need both air filters and ornamental plants to purify the air in the house. For anyone who wants to get gardening equipment at Big C, there is also a garden zone for making it. You can access the products online Click or you can go shopping as well at all Big C branches.

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