Let’s make homemade ice cream.

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Sweet Girl : Let’s make homemade ice cream.

Thailand, no matter what season, our city is hot anyway. Therefore, a sweet line like us does not miss to pick up cool content to share. It is to make homemade ice cream with easy steps. Plus, we also have ice cream to keep you cool for a long time. Do not delay, hurry to prepare the ingredients and let’s do it.

Homemade Ice Cream Raspberry


  1. 500g Frozen raspberries
  2. 175 g sugar
  3. 50 ml fresh milk
  4. 300 ml whipping cream
  5. Juice of half a lemon


  1. Blend the frozen raspberries thoroughly. Then remove all the raspberries that have been removed completely.
  2. Add lemon juice, sugar, fresh milk and whipping cream. Then beat to combine
  3. Pour the ingredients into a carton and put it in the freezer. Take it out every 2 hours, or wait for it to solidify at once, it takes about 5 hours.
  4. After 5 hours, take it out and spin in a blender again. Then we will have the ice cream meat that is ready to scoop up to eat.

The ingredients and methods of making them are not difficult at all, right? If anyone wants to make larger quantities, they can add more ingredients. In case you keep eating for a long time, haha, this ice cream tastes sour and sweet.

For anyone who wants various ingredients You can go find it at any Big C branch or you can buy it online Click .

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