Making Nama Chocolates as a Father’s Day gift

Big C > Easy Cooking > Making Nama Chocolates as a Father’s Day gift

Sweet Girl : Making Nama Chocolates as a Father’s Day gift

Is Father’s Day close yet? If you don’t have us yet, let’s make the softest Nama chocolates as a Father’s Day present. I can assure you that if your father receives this gift, it will be shocking. Because the children need to do it very well. Let’s see what ingredients have to be prepared?


  1. 2 teaspoons gelatin powder
  2. 25 ml water
  3. 275 g Whipping cream
  4. 175 g Dark Chocolate
  5. 45 g butter
  6. 45 g Icing sugar
  7. Cacao powder


  1. First of all, prepare to print. Lay a piece of wax paper.
  2. Melt the gelatin powder with water. And stir well and let it rest for 10 minutes.
  3. Warm the whipping cream And waited for people during the boil But be careful not to overcook.
  4. Put the chocolate, butter, icing sugar together in a mixing bowl. Then pour the warm whipping cream into the bowl and stir to combine
  5. Put the soaked gelatin in water for 30 seconds, pour into a mixing bowl. And stir them together again
  6. Pour into the mold and knock out the air bubbles slightly.
  7. Refrigerate for 5-6 hours, then take out and cut into pieces. And sprinkle cocoa powder on it

Finally, we find a beautiful gift box. I put Nama chocolates and write a greeting card for Father’s Day. Just as we can make sweet memories together with dad on this Father’s Day.

For anyone who wants various ingredients And gift boxes can be purchased at all Big C branches, or you can order online Click .

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