Seven Ways to Relieve Workplace Stress

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If You Love Someone, Take Care of Them: Seven Ways to Relieve Workplace Stress

While stress is a common problem for people of all ages, the severity of it depends on the responsibility of each person. For us working adults, stress is even more persistent since it can come from the workplace and home. Too much stress can lead to chronic illnesses that are hard to cure in the future. So here are some ways to relieve workplace stress before it becomes serious.

Work out

Letting off some steam is a good way to release pent-up energy in the body, and it doesn’t have to be a serious workout session. Try taking the stairs instead of the elevator during your day at work, for example. Playing sports or doing housework after work or on your weekends is also a good idea. Just do something that uses your muscles and gets your heart pumping. Your body will release the hormones that make you feel energetic and at ease.

Express yourself

Repressed feelings and emotions are the catalyst to mental breakdown. Learn to control your emotions. Think carefully before taking actions. If you’re in a good mood, smile, laugh, or hum a tune or two. Positivity is contagious to the people around you. If you’re in a bad mood, don’t do anything just yet. Wait it out before you speak. Take deep breaths or count to 10 to calm down. Negative emotions and actions have more consequences than you might think.


Focus on your breathing. Inhale slowly until you feel the air fill your lungs before exhaling. Oxygen and blood will flow much more easily to your brain, and stimulate it to its full force

Consult someone

Turn to your closest friends or family members and ask them to lend an ear if things become too overbearing. Even if they can’t solve your problems, venting your frustration will at least lift the heavy weight off your chest. Encouragement from loved ones is precious for your mental health as well. Once you feel better after getting it out, your mind will be clearer.

Watch a movie or listen to some music

One of the easiest ways to remove yourself from a stressful environment is to entirely disappear into a movie. Browse Netflix and choose a series or a movie and drown yourself in the story. But if you’re at the office and can’t take any more stress, put on your earphones and get lost in the beat of the music for a quick escape.


Yes, stress eating is a thing simply because it works. But choose your food wisely. Go for something that is good for your body such as vegetables, fruits, nuts, roots, or even plain simple water. These foods are nutritious and give your body the energy it needs to operate. Minerals and vitamins from these food are going to fuel you all day and reduce stress.

Change your attitude

Drowning in your own misery can lead to stress without you realizing it. Anxiety also causes chronic stress, and it goes on in a loop. Once your thoughts are poisoned with anxiety and misery, your body reacts to these negative feelings and they are reflected in your overall health. If you’re suffering from workplace stress, remove yourself from that environment for a while. Think of yourself as an outsider to your own problems. This might allow you a new perspective and allow you to see a solution to the problem that you’ve been missing. If you can overlook small matters that bug you, it might even make your stress go away in an instant.

They say the older you get, the more stress you endure. It seems to be true. But don’t fret, there are still some ways to help relieve these stresses. Troubles make us grow and a little optimism goes a long way.

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