The benefits of watermelon … This summer must have it next to the refrigerator.

Big C > Easy Cooking > The benefits of watermelon … This summer must have it next to the refrigerator.

Miss C Recommendation : The benefits of watermelon … This summer must have it next to the refrigerator.

This summer, there are many fruit to choose from. And of course, the watermelon is a fruit that many people. People like to eat it with rich sweet taste. The more you chilled before eating, the more you enjoy it, or use it to make a dessert. Or ice cream can help extinguish the heat. The watermelon is a fruit that has been paired with tropical countries like Thailand It is a fruit that has many benefits.

1. Helps quench your thirst With the watermelon is a fruit that contains a lot of water. It has a cooling effect, thus helping to quench your thirst, cool off heat and refresh the body perfectly.

2. Prevent cardiovascular disease Because watermelon is a fruit that is low in sugar and less calories, eating watermelon can help prevent the accumulation of arterial fat. Can control the level of blood pressure Prevent clots in blood vessels Reduce hardening of the arteries Thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease

3. Prevent cancer Because watermelon contains antioxidants that help reduce the damage of cells. That can cause cancer And also contains lycopene That can help reduce the risk of getting prostate cancer.

4. Nourish the skin and hair The vitamin C and vitamin A contained in watermelon helps to build beneficial collagen. Helps to prevent hair from falling out easily and is healthy. And moisturize the skin It does not crack easily and also nourishes the eyes.

5. Relieve air sore muscles. Because watermelon is a fruit that contains a lot of water. Thus helping to recover pain and relax the muscles

So hot like this, you can buy watermelon to cool off at Big C. Or order online, you don’t need to go out in the sun and burn your skin at Click and wait for the sweet watermelon to be delivered to your home.

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