Why you should pay more for Evian mineral water

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Miss C Recommendation: Why you should pay more for Evian mineral water

I think most of you know drinking a lot of water is good for your health and your overall beauty, especially those who want clear skin. But there are some differences between drinking regular water and mineral water. For example, mineral water is rich in essential minerals and vitamins, and it tastes better. In that sense, it is no surprise why many people are willing to pay more for it. So today, Miss C is here to recommend Evian, and why it is worth spending more for this amazing bottle of mineral water.

First, let’s look at the origin of Evian. Evian has a long and distinguished history.

To trace its origins, we have to go back to 1789 to the French town of Evian. Marquis de Lessert, while taking refuge from the French Revolution, took a break to drink from the Sainte Catherine spring and found that it was no ordinary spring. He started drinking there regularly and found that his urolithiasis condition was improving. After that, the news spread quickly and Evian-les-Bains became famous for its natural spring water. It is no wonder that today, the town has been known as a high-end spa city for more than 200 years.

Today, Evian sells in more than 140 countries around the world, with sales continuing to grow every year. It produces over 2,000 million bottles of natural mineral water annually.

With its luxurious image, interesting history and health benefits, Evian continues to sell worldwide despite its higher price. The brand recognises the value its bottle design has, and has engaged several famous designers to create limited edition bottles that are perfect as collectibles

Evian’s uniqueness

  1. It is 100% natural, originating from rain and snow in the heart of the French Alps. The water filters down through rocks and absorbs natural minerals through a 15-year journey to its underground water source, far away from human and factory contamination.
  2. It contains bicarbonate, which helps control the water balance, and alkalinizes the body.
  3. It is rich in calcium, which is essential for our bones.
  4. Full of magnesium, each bottle aids in the working of muscles and the nervous system.
  5. It contains sulfate, which helps with blood clotting.
  6. It is rich in nitrates, boosting blood flow.
  7. It balances the water in the body as well as the sensory nervous system because it contains a high level of sodium chloride.
  8. It is high in potassium, retaining the pH balance in the body and boosting the production of enzymes.
  9. With its neutral 7.2 pH balance, Evian is full of silica, aiding in the working of the nervous system and the muscles.

Now that you know how amazing Evian is, it makes sense why we should spend a bit more money on this 100% natural mineral water, right? Choosing the right kind of water to drink can greatly affect our overall health, and I consider that a good investment. If you’re interested, check out Evian on the shelves at Big C, or shop online here.

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